Greenwich Boat & Yacht Club

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Real Time Weather and Tides

    Tides:   Click here to view Tides for Cos Cob, CT.

    Weather at LI Sound Buoys:
       Western LI Sound Buoy (betw. Greenwich and Bayville, NY)
           Note: When we last checked, the Western buoy was not transmitting data.
         Execution Rock Buoy (betw. New Rochelle & Hempstead Bay)
         Central LI Sound Buoy (betw. Branford & Mattituck, NY)

    Weather Services:

        WindFinder Wind, Waves & Weather Forecast for Greenwich/Port Chester

Other Interesting Marine Links:


                                                            NOAA Charts & Publications

                                                                U.S. Aid to Navigation

                                                         NOAA Data Buoys

                                                                  NOAA Marine Forecasts

                                                                 BoatUS Hurricane Center for                                                                      Tracking, Information, Preparation & More

                                                                        U.S. Coast Guard
            Local Notice to Mariners

                                                                          U.S. Coast Guard
         Boating Safety Resource Center

                                             Will You enter another country on your boat?
Are you doing any commercial boating operations? Do you need an FCC license for your VHF radio?

Connecticut's Boaters Regulation & Resources Guide

                                             Learn safe boating, brush up on your skills,or learn something new.Meet other boaters Enjoy squadron events.

                                 Your DSC marine radio needs an MMSI number to take advantage of the Coast Guard's newest search ans rescue technology. Get an MMSI for free.

A                                                                          WEA enabled phone receives Wireless Emergency Alerts automatically,
which includes Presidential Alerts, Imminent Threat Alerts and AMBER Alerts. You don't have to sign up, but click the logo to learn more.

                                                         Volunteer, Get Training or Donate.
The Red Cross is always first in line to help. Do your part and help them.


The Coast Guard is one of the oldest organizations of the federal government. Established in 1790.

BoatUs. Magazine online for free. Great information for the boating industry. 

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